A Brief Look at Speaker of the House Pelosi’s Temper Tantrums


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was asked about Pelosi’s remarks. Gingrich said, unlike the current impeachment push against Trump, Ken Starr’s report alleged crimes against Clinton, prompting the House to act.

“In the case of Clinton, he had actually broken the law. He had committed a felony in a case involving sexual predation against an employee. If that happened today, people would be going crazy. That’s not the case here,” said Gingrich.

It appears, each side of the aisle will do whatever is necessary to protect their own. Little did Pelosi know that the words she spoke so passionately regarding the vile hatred and anger paralyzing Republicans would overtake the Democrats two decades later and divide the nation, possibly beyond repair.

If we replaced the words Republicans with Democrats and Clinton with Trump, we have a too accurate statement describing our nation’s current circumstances.

We are here today because the Democrats in the House are paralyzed with hatred of President Trump. Until the Democrats free themselves of that hatred, our country will suffer.