Black Lives Matter Activist Vows to Burn NYC “To the Ground”


During this time, they chanted about the evils of law enforcement; Black Lives Matter people also head up signs denouncing police and emphasizing the importance of black lives. This comes in spite of demonstrators looting and setting fire to their own communities, places where many black lives currently reside.

Nevertheless, Black Lives Matter demonstrators aren’t remorseful about looting, beating up innocents, defacing monuments with graffiti, or partaking in arson. As a matter of fact, one Black Lives Matter rioter stated that she has the right to do whatever she wants. The woman professed that since her ancestors “built this land,” she will burn it to the ground if she wants.

In the Black Lives Matter demonstrator’s own words:

“Our ancestors built this land and if I want to protest on it, I will. If I want to burn it, I will. Last thing, if I want to burn this motherf*cker to the ground, I will.”

She then went on to claim that yesterday’s demonstration in New York constituted a “peaceful protest.”