FSU fraternities embrace totalitarianism and the nanny State; Abandon the Bill of Rights


Thank you, Sir, may I have another?

Stunningly, after being punished for six months for an act in which none of them participated, with the implied suggestion that they were all guilty of some heinous act, not a single act of defiance, not a single protest, not a single public gripe was uttered by FSU fraternity men about these polices.  Alumni members were outraged, many prepared lawsuits and fought hard behind the scenes to end the tyranny, but despite their valiant efforts, they were undone not by the pathetic apathy of the fraternity men, but by a group of conscripted students who stood to support the anti-freedom, liberal fascist tactics of the Administration at the recent meeting of the Board of Trustees.

The Florida State University Interfraternity Council (IFC) has been nothing but complicit in the punishment of innocent fraternity men.  Of course, the IFC is “advised” by member of the Administration that seeks to control them. What is stunning is that the members of IFC seem to have no issues with taking orders from the Administration, orders that seem to conflict with their own cause of freedom and work to impose more and more bureaucracy and restrictions on its members.  In fact, those in the IFC seem to like the arrangement.  They get a nice little budget and get to have fun meetings with important people.  The question is, are these IFC types men seeking nice letters of recommendation from the Administration or are they men intent on representing the wishes of their fraternities.   Time will tell, but recent history paints a bleak picture.