House Intelligence Committee Concludes Russia Probe


Texas Republicans Mike Conaway provided additional intel earlier today:

We found no evidence of collusion. We found perhaps some bad judgment, inappropriate meetings, inappropriate judgment in taking meetings. Only Tom Clancy could take this series of inadvertent contacts, meetings, whatever, and weave that into some sort of a spy thriller that could go out there. We couldn’t establish the same conclusion that the CIA did that they specifically wanted to help Trump.

America’s Reactions to the End of the Russia Investigation

The foregoing results of the Russia probe have not really changed any minds. Individuals who are convinced that President Trump colluded with Russia still harbor this belief, as do the people who never believed the Russia-related accusations. The majority of the President’s supporters are championing the decision of the House Intelligence Committee. Conversely, Trump critics are slamming the conclusion of the investigation.

Nevertheless, Americans on both sides of the aisle weighed in with their thoughts and opinions in the comments section of The Hill’s report: