The Necessity of Continued Leadership Development, Succession and Contingency Planning


James Allen states that people are willing to improve their circumstances but not willing to change themselves.   I think a lot of times it is not a willful unwillingness.  I just think that perhaps some of us do not prioritize leadership development at its appropriate level of importance.  In my case, it was not on the radar although I had natural leadership abilities to some extent.

The questions that I could not answer in the affirmative in my first business was what am I doing to develop myself and what am I doing to develop others?   Wow!  If I had just asked those two questions early on in my leadership it could have made a tremendous difference not only in my life but in the lives of my team members.    What about you?  Are you intentionally growing your leadership?     Are there others who depend on you doing so?

James Allen also stated that the greatest gap in the world is between knowing and doing.     Someone said that we cannot become what we need by remaining what we are!  The more seriously we consider our leadership growth the closer we will become the leader that will make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of others.    How do we bridge this gap?  To borrow a phrase from Nike, just do it!  Let’s just make the decision to do what is necessary to improve our leadership abilities by doing something daily.   Schedule an hour a day to read, study and apply what you learn in leadership.

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Lecora Bowen
We help leaders lead by engaging them in mastermind groups, coaching, training and speaking with the goal of increasing their effectiveness by leadership growth and development which should be an ongoing pursuit. The law of regression states that if you don't get better in leadership or anything else, you begin to regress or decline. There are few times in history that we have needed transformational leadership as we do today in every area of our lives, including in our homes. At Bowen Performance Systems we assist in maintaining and developing transformational leaders and encouraging legacy preservation through succession and contingency planning at all levels of the organization and family.