New York AG Supports California Ban of Large-Capacity Magazines


According to them, “The Second Amendment thus does not bar States from adopting reasonable measures to reduce firearm violence, including restrictions on the possession of LCMs. The reasoning of the district court deprives States of the flexibility to address the problem of gun violence in a manner consistent with local needs and values.”

Additionally, they emphasized  that states have “primary responsibility for ensuring public safety.” States are responsible for preventing gun violence and to minimize deaths and injuries when such incident occurs.

Furthermore, they argued that California enacted the law to address the “complex reality of gun violence within its borders.”

In December 2015, two assailants killed 14 people and injured 22 others in a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. The killers had an armory of weapons, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and explosives in their home. The incident was considered one of the deadliest mass shootings in the United States.