Over 50% of Voters Reject Biden’s Door-to-Door COVID Vaccination Initiative


Amid pushback, the White House is defensively trying to justify the plan to go to the doors of unjabbed Americans. The latest talking points allege that “community leaders” will be the ones to appear on the doorsteps of the unvaccinated.

Meanwhile, left-wing outlets like MSNBC are putting out thinkpieces in which they allege to counter “Republicans’ false narratives” regarding the president’s door-to-door COVID vaccination initiative.

The bottom line

When it comes to the White House’s plan to go door-to-door to unvaccinated Americans’ homes, the bottom line is very clear; this is not an initiative that has support from the public. The Biden administration couldn’t even get four in ten voters on board with this idea.

The COVID vaccine remains free and readily available. Many, if not all, Americans who want this injection have received it. Since the announcement of the door-to-door vaccination plan, countless people have declared that the Biden administration should not send officials to their doors.