The Pale Blue Dot from Carl Sagan to Lazarus


 There were 60 images taken at that time which created the first “family portrait” of our solar system.

Astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan was committed to making science more accessible. He had a large number of speaking events, television and media projects like the “Cosmos” series, and he was a prolific author of popular science books.

His 1994 book, “Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space” was inspired by the photograph of Earth taken from so far away in space that the planet looks like a pale blue dot. 

Sagan’s book contained the classic lines “Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us.”

Sagan even voiced the audiobook himself. 

Although he died in 1996, his work will live forever.  And his book’s recording has also been selected for the 2023 National Recording Registry.

Any recording added to the National Recording Registry must meet three conditions. An existing physical copy of the recording needs to be available. It has to be at least ten years old. And it must have a significant impact on American culture.