First Week In Office Review: Biden Outpaces His Predecessors’s First Week Executive Orders


Many President Trump supporters agreed with the idea of ensuring the safety and prosperity of America and its citizens before taking care of so many other countries. The voices of those supporters are now being silenced with the swipe of a pen. Th

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e agreement with this idea is not xenophobic or racist. Concerns with growing poverty and homelessness after the last 8 months of nationwide lockdowns, the increase in unemployment, and the politicizing of COVID has left the nation and her people unsettled to say the least.

While several executive orders were called for by his base, such as those addressing racial and ethnic equity, and COVID response, much of the fine print expands government power and does little to imminently help U.S. citizens or correct the sources of these problems the common people face together.

Discomfort among State and House Representatives has risen as it seems this is a race to put into effect as many proclamations as possible to appease the left side of the aisle.