Better Call Dan – The Real Life Saul Goodman


In the popular TV series, Better Call Saul, Attorney Saul Goodman is a hapless lawyer that will do anything to win.  In many cases, he goes well outside the bounds of the law, landing him in trouble with the New Mexico Bar and at risk of having his law license revoked.

While Better Call Saul is purely fiction, Maricopa County, Arizona is home to an attorney whose alleged Saul Goodman-esque antics have landed him in a world of trouble.

Daniel Warner of Kelly Warner Law has won more than a few cases over the course of his illustrious career.  His clients have been accused of running scams, extortions, blackmail, and all types of other serious criminal activities. Dan Warner, just like Saul Goodman, is the go-to lawyer for a lot of shady individuals that are looking for “unconventional” legal relief.

Daniel Warner

The circumstances surrounding some of these cases suggests that Warner and Goodman have more in common than their charming looks. In order to produce quick, effective results for his clients, Daniel Warner appears to have developed a fool-proof method for burying damaging internet content on sites like RipOffReport for clients accused of running scams and other criminal activities.