USA Herald firmly believes that the people should have a voice — and we will cover your story, even if no one else will.
We are interested in giving your story a platform. We are especially interested in ongoing court cases, fraud, scams, and financial news that doesn’t meet the nearly impossible standards for mainstream media coverage.
There are two ways to get your story covered. Please note the following:
OPTION 1 — Possible Coverage:
If you have information on a story, but need a journalist to follow up on it, you can email your tip to [email protected]. We’ll assign a journalist to look into it. If they think there’s a compelling story, we’ll cover it.
Option 2 — Guaranteed Coverage:
If you would like guaranteed coverage on your story, we offer contract journalism. You pay for our journalist’s time, and we publish your story — with the caveat that our journalist will report on your story honestly and follow it to its conclusion, wherever that may lead them.
What contract journalism is (and isn’t)
You pay a fee for our journalist to work on your story and we agree to run your story on USA Herald. The fee only buys you our journalist’s time and skills. It does not buy you editorial control and our journalist will not be working for you.
Our journalist will follow up on the story and track down any relevant facts, including those that may not agree with your perception of the events. Once we are satisfied that we have a cohesive and complete story, we will write and publish it. All editorial decisions will remain with the journalist and our editor.
To be clear, you will not have the ability to review the story prior to us publishing it. We will not include any links that are not relevant to the story and this service is not to be used for “link building.”
Why pay for guaranteed coverage when I can just submit a tip?
Not all tips will result in USA Herald coverage. We simply don’t have the time to track down and write a story on every tip, so we follow up on only those tips we feel our readers are most likely to be interested in. We would love to cover every story our communities feel are important, but we just don’t always have the resources.
When you pay for coverage, it allows us to pay our journalists for their time and services in a way that following up on tips doesn’t. We are predominantly freelance written and our journalists are professionals who lead busy careers. These fees allow them to pull away from other projects and focus on your story exclusively, which often results in a more in-depth and developed article — you get what your pay for.
If you are interested in contract journalism, contact our Operations team directly at [email protected]. We will set up a meeting to discuss getting your story published as well as outline our fee structure.