Christie Dings DeSantis, Haley, Trump in First Campaign Ad


Branding DeSantis as a “too lame to lead” and “too weak to win” candidate, Christie’s ad notes that he and Haley have taken more potshots at one another than at Trump.

Finally, the piece wraps up with a debate clip of Christie warning the former president is “unfit” for the White House. Christie’s campaign also let the media know this new ad will run on cable and local TV, along with live sports programs.

More on Christie’s presidential campaign

The former governor recently attended town halls in Londonderry and Hooksett, New Hampshire. In an effort to connect with young voters, Christie’s given speeches at Keene State College, Franklin Pierce University, and New England College.

Despite the time and effort he’s putting into winning over New Hampshire voters, Gov. Chris Sununu recently endorsed Haley, stating she’s got the best chance of defeating Trump during the primaries and Biden in the general race.

Moving forward, the weeks ahead will reveal if Christe’s new ad gives his campaign a tangible boost or hurts any of his opponents. In the meantime, he’s still on the trails in New Hampshire, meeting with voters and making his case to win the White House.