Florida Adds Up Cost for University Degrees


“Our students gain their (bachelor’s) degrees for the lowest net price in the (university system) and we will maintain this affordability going forward,” New College said in its 2016 work plan.

Florida A&M University, which had the second highest institutional cost for a degree ranking, will also benefit under the new metric, where it comes in with the third-lowest student cost at $12,640, trailing only New College and the University of Florida, which has a $10,660 student cost for a degree.

On the other hand, Florida International University, which had the second lowest institutional cost for a degree, now has the third-highest student cost for a degree at $17,180, trailing the University of North Florida at $17,260 and Florida Gulf Coast, which has the highest cost under the formula.

The Board of Governors is scheduled to vote on the new performance rankings at its June meeting at the University of South Florida in Tampa.


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