KM Brothers to pay $192,615 to settle price gouging, trademark suit


This was the first-of-its-kind lawsuit against Amazon resellers. It was estimated that the KM Brothers related companies made more than $350,000 at the height of the pandemic.

The 3M campaign against price gougers

Minnesota-based 3M is one of the largest global manufacturers of the N95 masks that have been vital in fighting the coronavirus in the U.S. This specific type of mask is approved by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

3M claims that by mid-July it had filed 18 lawsuits, courts issued six temporary restraining orders, and four injunctions to halt N95 sales by third-party vendors. 

The company sees the lawsuits as a successful effort, resulting in quick preliminary injunctions and restraining orders to stem the tide of price gouging during the pandemic.


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