OPINION: Caught Again, but Adam Putnam just keeps Ignoring Florida Law.


Problem #2 for Putnam and Florida Grown: Florida election law prohibits the expenditure of funds for campaigns in the state from taking place until a campaign treasurer is established and a bank account opened and publicly listed. There is no campaign account for Putnam for Governor, which means the act of creating a logo for it, by a vendor paid by Putnam’s PAC is simply illegal. Furthermore, Putnam has created another problem for himself: There are limits on how much a PAC can support a candidate, and those limits apply to campaigns for Governor. If your vendor who does not exist (if they were a vendor, they would be listed on your report) spends time and money creating a campaign logo – that cost must be either be an in-kind contribution to, or paid for by, the Putnam for Governor campaign. Which does not exist. Also, an in-kind contribution is limited to the same restrictions that apply to monetary contributions at $1,000 and must be reported during the reporting period it was made. So, without a campaign account – this problem cannot be fixed.