Questions Remain About Negron Water Priority


Negron remained optimistic about the issue this week.

“I think we’ve made tremendous progress on Senate Bill 10,” Negron said Thursday. “I’m confident that we’re going to at the end of session have additional storage capacity south of Lake Okeechobee.”

Negron said talks continue with the governor’s office and the House on the proposal.

Under Negron’s plan, if willing land sellers can’t be found, Gov. Rick Scott and the Cabinet would be directed to exercise an option from a 2010 agreement signed by former Gov. Charlie Crist and U.S. Sugar that requires the state to purchase 153,209 acres.

“I don’t know if it’s a hammer, but it’s a fact that exists and it’s an option that they entered into willingly and since it’s there, I think it needs to be part of the discussion going forward,” Negron said of the U.S. Sugar option. “I think ultimately we’ll come up with something.”

A group of large landowners from the Everglades Agricultural Area — calling themselves the EAA Landowners — have questioned Negron over his assertion that there are willing sellers.