There is a world of Kurzgesagt Videos on YouTube. And a good one to sample is The History and Future of Everything — Time.
Part of the creative team worked on the illustrations and animations. And Tim Urban was working with a group of “written explainers.”
Tim Urban is the brain behind the website-blog combo Wait but Why.
Putting the Universe in-perspective
This app features a great interface and a lot of information that can be processed visually and in perspective.
Tim explains that “You’re not moving forward and backward through a tunnel of objects—it just seems that way because your brain will refuse to accept the insanity of the actual sizes you’re seeing.”
The range of size in the universe, from the tiniest particles to the epic galaxies is on display. You explore it all with a single swipe. How big is a planet, compared to a human? And how small is an atom really? You can’t fully wrap your head around the scope of things. So, this app lets you experience them.
There’s a lot of information and fun facts. You can travel from a bacterium and zoom all the way out to the “observable universe.”