If Richards truly believes everyone has the right to live, why has she not loudly and clearly condemned the Planned Parenthood operatives who were caught chopping up and selling aborted fetuses? If the right to live is as sacred as she claims, why is Richards silent about the Americans who have lost their lives due to crimes committed by illegal aliens [crimes other than them sneaking across the border]?
The Liberal Agenda
At the end of the day, the truth remains. Democrats like Richards only become humanitarians when it suits them politically.
Additional excerpts from Richard’s email reads as follows:
If the young people matter so much to Richards, she should tell her workers to stop selling aborted baby parts. After all, unborn babies are even younger than the illegal immigrants Richards wants in America. However, the likelihood of Richards taking the aforementioned course of action is low. Like most Democrats, she will do nearly anything to make a buck.