President Trump’s Policies Will Prove Invaluable to Minorities

This story is by Staff Writer Gabrielle Seunagal via the USA Herald Platform

Throughout the 2016 election and beyond, President Donald Trump was very clear about his policies and what they entailed. From growing the economy by lowering taxes to combating illegal immigration and useless gun control, the 45th President has consistently evidenced his determination to put American interests first. Not only will his policies help the nation as a whole, but they will prove invaluable to minorities who suffered greatly from liberal politics.

For starters, the President’s work to lower taxes will engender economic growth while simultaneously aiding minorities and American families as a whole. Under President Trump’s tax plan, a middle class family with two children will receive a 35% reduction in income taxes. A decrease in taxes allows for families to keep more of their earnings; this will especially help minorities who are struggling to break out of poverty. Left wing liberals incorrectly believe that an increase in government will help poor families. Their logic is faulty; the greater government becomes, the more funds will be needed to sustain it. Small government, lower taxes, and a thriving private sector are critical to a prosperous nation.