WikiLeaks: Largest CIA Leak in History


Once again, WikiLeaks makes a major release; however, this one is arguably one of the most significant leaks they’ve ever published. Jane Clayson, author and former correspondent for ABC News and CBS News, characterized it as a

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ppearing “to be the biggest leak of CIA documentation in history.” This comprehensive disclosure of approximately 9,000 classified CIA files is a treasure trove of the agency’s how-to techniques for hacking and spying on computers, smartphones, WiFi networks, Skype, and a seemingly endless myriad of other mediums frequented by civilians on an hourly basis from day to day.

These CIA documents circulated a Stateside, HumInt (human intelligence) network of government contractors and former government employees, and according to Devlin Barret in an interview, national security correspondent for The Washington Post, “one of those people gave it to [WikiLeaks] because they wanted to foster a debate about privacy and hacking tools.” Documents that WikiLeaks has, so far, withheld from the public but given to tech firms are detrimental in that they actually contain software code used in CIA hacking tools to subvert smartphones, computers, and other smart technology.