3 Pieces of Florida Legislation You Aren’t Hearing About

Welcome to Florida USA

Enough about Speaker Corcoran, President Negron, and their headline grabbing agendas, for now; with 120 House Members and 40 Senators, we’d be doing readers a disservice by not talking about some lesser-known legislation from other Representatives.

From increasing the penalties on criminals committing acts of targeted hate and instituting reforms, to keep pharmaceutical companies more honest, to establishing a foundation to promote senior and amateur athletics, there may be more going on in Florida politics than what you’ve heard.

SB1306 by Senator Montford is a fun one that illustrates the active lifestyle of many Floridians. It would establish the Florida Sport Foundation under the Department of Economic Opportunity. FSF would have a 20 member board composed of representatives from the MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, MLS, and other sports industries across the state.

The foundation’s primary tasks would be to promote amateur athletics across the state through amateur competitions, coaching workshops, team clinics, and the attraction of interstate and international competitions of all types. The games would be designed to encourage the participation of athletes representing a broad range of age groups, skill levels, and Florida communities. That also means the operation of the Florida Senior Games and Sunshine State Games which include different sports like archery, artistic roller skating, fencing, synchronized swimming, horseshoes, something called pickle ball, and you guessed it- shuffleboard. Welcome to Florida.

Originally posted 2017-03-17 21:11:28.