AOC Says Becoming a Congresswoman is Easier Than Paying off Student Loans


Ocasio-Cortez delivered some very fascinating statements. By her own admission, running for Congress is easier than paying off loans. She also maintains that her position as a congresswoman is the only thing which provided her access to services such as healthcare and the ability to pay back student loans.

In the congresswoman’s own words:

“I will disclose my personal stake in this fight because I have student loans too. I think it’s so funny that a year ago, I was waiting tables at a restaurant and it was literally easier for me to become the youngest woman in American history elected to Congress than it is to pay off my student loan debt.”

She then proceeded to explain how much election to Congress bettered her life:

“In order for me to get a chance to have health care, in order for me to get a chance to pay off my student loans, I had to do something that was nearly impossible. I don’t think that is the bar through which a person should be able to access education, health care, and a bevy of other things that should be considered human rights.”

Passing the Bill to American Taxpayers

The devastating impacts of student loan debt are well-documented. However, many people in this country still have issues with passing the bill to American taxpayers. Critics of Sanders’ bill have noted the impact which raising taxes would have on people in this nation. Others have questioned whether or not Sanders’ proposal is fair to young people who have paid off their student loans already.