Volokh, as part of his investigative work, had a private investigator research the defendants in some of theallegedly fraudulent cases. His investigator was unable to track down any of them. In some cases the defendants appeared to be derived from real identities, in others, the defendants appeared to be non-existent. Another source, CourtKey.com, alleges that “in one case the ‘fake Defendant’ appears to be a boy that died of leukemia in 2014.”
The defendants (always representing themselves pro se) in each case agree to the injunction, which the courts then send to Google. As part of their policy, Google then removes the content from their search engine.
The State Bar of Arizona is unable to release any information on an ongoing investigation, but the USA Herald will continue to monitor this case and report on any further developments.
If you have any information on this case, please contact us at: [email protected]