Big Brother is Watching Journalists


(Editor’s note: Liberty Nation has not provided a link to The Intercept article referenced herein as the documents remain categorized as classified)

During the long years of the Cold War, Americans looked at the Soviet Union as the antithesis of all the United States stood for and fought to protect. One of the most well-known facets of Soviet existence was life without a free press. Conversely, the American media was always considered the Fourth Estate, expected to hold the government accountable while the Soviet press served as the primary government propaganda arm. Highly censored and even watched, journalists in Soviet Russia were expected to further the narratives and act as trumpets in the government orchestra – which never stopped playing trinutes to the State.

For the most part, U.S. citizens never conceived that such censorship could happen on American soil. Perhaps that is no longer the case.

Revelations during the election that many journalists were basically on retainer from the Clinton campaign were met with outrage and disgust, but, sad to say, no real surprise. Corruption is something Americans understand and have even come to expect. This week, however, author Cora Currier laid bare an entire framework of ongoing government surveillance specifically targeting journalists in an article for The Intercept.