Disney to lay off 28,000 employees as COVID-19 pandemic continues to hurt its theme parks


Furthermore, D’Amaro said Disney has no choice but to carry out the “heartbreaking” mass layoff because it is the only “feasible” option as the pandemic continues to hamper its business. Governments have required businesses to operate in a limited capacity and practice social distancing.

CNBC obtained and published a copy of D’Amaro’s memo to Disney employees.

Currently, Disney already reopened its theme parks in Florida, Hong Kong, Japan, Paris, and Shanghai. However, the theme parks are not yet operating normally as the company is still practicing requirements to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The company’s California Adventure and Disneyland in Anaheim, California are still closed.

Many companies have plans or already laid off hundreds to thousands of workers since the COVID-19 pandemic began.


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