Dogecoin Creator Jackson Palmer Slams Mark Cuban, Says He Seems To Have ‘Drunk the Kool-Aid’

Dogecoin Co-creator Jackson Palmer On The Left - Billionaire Mark Cuban On The Right
Dogecoin Co-creator Jackson Palmer On The Left - Billionaire Mark Cuban On The Right

Dogecoin Co-founder Jackson Palmer slammed crypto enthusiasts like Mark Cuban.

In an interview with Insider, Palmer said Cuban seems to have “drunk the Kool-Aid” regarding crypto and NFTs.

“Mark Cuban isn’t getting paid as a celebrity to promote this stuff,” Palmer said. “He actually has kind of been indoctrinated into believing that these things are the future.”

The meme-coin developer accused Cuban and other significant investors in and promoters of crypto — including billionaire Marc Andreessen and investor Chris Dixon — of running a “grift.” 

“They actively see it as an ongoing way to extract profit. It’s not like they’ve been paid once off to promote something — it’s that they want to be the ones that are in control or have ownership or a large stake in this kind of extractive, grifty system of cryptocurrency,” Palmer claimed.

Cuban dismissed Palmer’s charges in a statement to Insider. “Sounds like the same thing that has been said about every new technology I’ve been involved in,” he said.