El Salvador Takes New Steps to Crack Down on Gangs


In El Salvador, President Nayib Bukele has been hard at work to crack down against the gangs. Years ago, El Salvador was regarded as one of the most dangerous countries in Central America. However, that is all changing with active steps by Bukele to make his country safer.

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Multiple accounts report that the El Salvadorean president remains well-loved with an approval rating hovering around 90%. Much of this popularity, along with a lot of what’s contributed to Bukele making international headlines, stems from his work to stop the gangs.

That work continues and is far from over.

A closer look at anti-gang efforts in El Salvador

In the Central American nation, gang members rounded up by the government went to the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT).

On Twitter, Bukele stated this center is the new residence for these gang members. It is where they will reside for decades on end. The president likewise stressed with the gangs behind bars, their ability to do harm to others and terrorize the country will cease to exist.