Facebook Data from 533 Million Users Have Been Leaked, Including 32 Million Americans

Facebook photography by Glen Carrie :Unsplash
Facebook photography by Glen Carrie :Unsplash

Over 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries were affected by a data breach on the social media giant. A hacker published phone numbers, personal data, and other information of Facebook users on a low-level hacking forum.

Data of 32 million U.S. users was exposed. Meanwhile the United Kingdom affected users reached 11 million and over 6 million in India. The leaked data includes Facebook IDs, locations, birthdates, phone numbers, biographies and some even got their email addresses leaked. 

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Facebook told Business Insider that the data was leaked because of a vulnerability that hit Facebook in 2019. Despite the leaked data being 3 years old; the hack still provides cybercriminals with dangerous information that may enable them to scam millions of people. 

“A database of that size containing the private information such as phone numbers of a lot of Facebook’s users would certainly lead to bad actors taking advantage of the data to perform social engineering attacks [or] hacking attempts,” Alon Gal, CTO of cybercrime intelligence firm Hudson Rock—who first discovered the entire trough of leaked data online on Saturday—told Business Insider. 

Facebook data hacks don’t seem to stop

Alon Gal found out about the leaked data back in January. A user in a hacking forum promoted supposedly automated software that sells people phone numbers of hundreds of millions of Facebook users.