Family denies their daughter is Madeleine McCann


“I think I can be Madeleine,” she wrote on Facebook. “I have a defect in my eye, in the same eye, the kind of defect Madeleine had. Except that in my case it’s faded more and more every year. I remember practically nothing from my childhood.”

“During the therapy I started to analyze a lot, reflect and ask a lot of uncomfortable questions to my family, until at one point my mother couldn’t stand the barrage of questions and cut me off from therapy beginning in 2021,” she continued. “I do have a few memories. The earliest of these are vacations. But I completely don’t recall my mother being there, for example, or my stepfather, much less my dad.”

Wendell’s family says she is lying

Pawel Noga of the Provincial Police Headquarters in the western city of Wroclaw “ruled out” Wendell’s claim after meeting with her biological family, according to the Polish news outlet Gazeta.

Madeleine McCann would be 19 today if she was still alive. According to her family Julia Wendell is 21.

Wendell’s relatives showed authorities a birth certificate and photos in a desperate bid to hose down the viral and media firestorm.  Julia triggered a media firestorm when she went on an Instagram campaign with the claims that she was the missing 3-year-old abducted in Portugal in 2007 during a family vacation.