Google’s Project Zero recently announced that hackers have been actively exploiting a Windows zero-day vulnerability. It reported seven active bugs.
Project Zero the bug-hunters
In 2014, Google set up Project Zero, a team of top-notch bug-hunting and security researchers to find and disclose security flaws or bugs in the world’s software.
“Our mission is to make the discovery and exploitation of security vulnerabilities more difficult and to significantly improve the safety and security of the Internet for everyone.”
“We perform vulnerability research on popular software like mobile operating systems, web browsers, and open source libraries. We use the results from this research to patch serious security vulnerabilities, to improve our understanding of how exploit-based attacks work, and to drive long-term structural improvements to security,” according to Project Zero in a blog.
In the last 6 years, researchers at Project Zero have helped find and fix almost 2000 vulnerabilities in some of the world’s most widely-used and popular software.