House Democrats Push for Stricter Gun Control Laws


By definition, criminals are not followers of laws. Therefore, many Republicans have concerns that Democrats’ gun control legislation will only crack down on individuals who do abide by the law. Logically speaking, if lawful citizens have a tougher time with exercising their Second Amendment rights, they are less likely to be able to defend themselves if the situation demands it. This, in turn, leaves law-abiding Americans at the mercy of vicious, ruthless criminals.

Conservatives and others on the right have moreover presented solutions to eliminate violence carried out by guns. These solutions focus on the individual who elects to pull the trigger instead of the gun itself.

NRA spokesperson Jennifer Baker shed some light on these alternative solutions:

“[Gun control] only serves as a roadblock to law-abiding citizens who want to exercise their Second Amendment right. Instead of addressing the real underlying issues of mental health that could save lives, [Democrats] would rather engage in political theater, pushing legislation that will have no impact on criminals to score political points and raise money with their base.”