So again, the men above questioning Judge Coats’ ability is not a surprise. When things aren’t going your way it’s natural to say a judge doesn’t have the skill. However, judges like Brock Turner’s and others highlight why reviewing our judges in a more thorough, uniform and transparent way is needed. Especially when, in some instances, our judges hold more power than the impact of deciding between lawyers arguments and managing decorum.
I spoke with Elura Nanos, and attorney and former children’s services prosecutor in New York City. She explained just how much power judges in Family Court can have on peoples lives.
“In most jurisdictions, judges in family court have a far more active role than do their counterparts in other courts. Family court cases typically involve bench trials, which proceed with the judge acting as both finder of fact and trier of law. Furthermore, given that family court proceedings often involve minors, courtrooms are often closed to the public and the media and many transcripts sealed. What’s more, litigants in family court cases do not have always have the right to court-appointed counsel. The result is an atmosphere that is potentially ripe soil for unchecked misconduct: pro-se litigants representing themselves in what amount to closed proceedings before a presiding judge with broad discretion.”