How Come We Don’t Review Who Judges Our Judges? A story of Judge Wendy Coats et al.


When I reached out to this commission to talk about this important issue of judicial review I found myself in a phone/email loop of Kafkaesque proportions. I never got anybody. It shouldn’t be this hard.

Kafkaesquedefinition: “Kafka’s work is characterized by nightmarish settings in which characters are crushed by nonsensical, blind authority. Thus, the word Kafkaesque is often applied to bizarre and impersonal administrative situations where the individual feels powerless to understand or control what is happening.” Merriam Webster

There is also something called the Judicial Council of California which is the policymaking body of the courts. When I tried to contact them about Judge Coats and judicial review in general, I was told they can’t comment. However, the press person referred me to the commission. That commission, as I said, was where I couldn’t reach a person. Hence the Kafkaesque loop.

Having no luck with the judicial system I decided to speak with those who know judges best:  lawyers.  This is when I discovered an alarming self-silencing.  Many lawyers spoke with me off the record only, saying they were concerned if they spoke about judicial review in general, when going before a future judge their clients could be harmed.