John Delaney Cautions Democrat Party on “Intolerance”


Democrat John Delaney is warning members of his party about the dangers of intolerance. This warning comes after Delaney took heat from progressives after stating that Med

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icare-for-All is not “good policy or good politics.”

Delaney’s Warning to the Democrats

Delaney expressed his concerns about the lack of tolerance within his party during a recent interview with Fox News.

The presidential candidate stated that the Democrats’ dogmatism may actually aid President Trump in the general election.

In Delaney’s own words:

“Intolerance to different ideas is part of the problem. That is something I think that is getting very dangerous and concerning in the Democratic Party right now.”

He then went on to further explain his issues with Medicare-for-All.

“In the Medicare-for-All bill, it makes private insurance illegal. There’s 150 million Americans who have private insurance and most of them like it. I think the Republicans are not going to be afraid to talk about this and they’re going to pound it over the American people’s heads and make them afraid that the Democrats are going to make them lose their health insurance. [Republicans will] tell them that they’ve got to go on a government website to get their health insurance.”

Back and Forth with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Earlier this month, Delaney got into a back-and-forth with progressive House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman did not appreciate Delaney’s remarks on Medicare-for-All and let him know exactly how she felt via Twitter.