Kansas Introduces New Training to Help Community Members Recognize, Fight Human Trafficking


In order to inform members of the community of what’s happening and how they can help prevent human trafficking, the Lenexa-based Westside Family Church is holding a free training session.

This training will take place on October 13. Furthermore, it will center around how everyday folks can spot and assist victims and/or targets of human trafficking.

Additional information from the Human Trafficking Training Center

Unfortunately, the uptick in human trafficking means a greater number of children becoming the targets of traffickers. Per Phillips’ account, human traffickers often use the internet, social media platforms, chat rooms, and even video games to find targets.

Therefore, the onus lies on parents to ensure their children are as aware and protected as possible.

Individuals of all ages, however, can potentially become the targets of a human trafficker. Some vulnerabilities that traffickers tend to latch onto include the following:

  • Addictions to substances
  • Runaways from home/unstable living situations
  • Poverty

Once traffickers find a void, they often move to fill it for a time. This strategy is purely designed to build rapport, gain the target’s trust, and erode any of their existing support systems.