Michael Arnstein Headed To Prison For Fake De-Indexing Blames Everyone But Himself


Michael Arnstein was arrested and pled guilty earlier this year for forging court orders and sending them to Google to remove negative information about his company, The Natural Sapphire Company.

Earlier today I caught up with Arnstein to get his take on what happened and why he decided to take the law into his own hands.

During the interview Arnstein contradicted himself a number of times.

Here’s Arnstein’s story:

  1. In 2010 Michael Arnstein claims that Prashant Telang, owner of Transpacific Software Pvt (TPS), had caused The Natural Sapphire Company’s website to fail.  Arnstein claims that he fired Preshant Telang thereafter.

2. Michael Arnstein then claimed that TPS demanded over $150,000 in compensation for unpaid bills and refused to hand over the source code.

3. Thereafter, Arnstein claims that Prashant “Prashant Telang/TPS posted approximately 500-600 (2011-2015) false and defamatory ‘reviews’ or similar on dozens of popular industry and consumer websites, scam and complaint websites, etc of horrible lies about NSC.”Arnstein claims that Prashant Telang ran programs to run up his charges on Google Adwords, which Arnstein charged back on.However Prashant Telang made this official statement claiming that Michael Arnstein is lying:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/arrest-natural-sapphire-company-ceo-michael-arnstein-sending-telang/

“Michael Arnstein CEO of The Natural sapphire Company New York; is arrested and charged with creating multiple forged court orders which were sent to Google in order to get negative reviews about their company removed from the search results. Arnstein was arrested and charged with two counts of forging a judge’s signature and one count of conspiracy to forge a judge’s signature and faces 5 years imprisonment 

Full case details available on The Washinton Post