NRA Slams Companies Who Severed Professional Ties

Source: Pixabay

Various companies also faced pressure from irate individuals to sever professional ties with the NRA. Enterprise, Delta Airlines, MetLife, and many other companies heeded the calls and announced their decisions to end discounts and other perks for NRA members.

The National Rifle Association’s Response

The NRA issued a blistering statement in response to the preceding companies who severed professional ties with their organization. The full announcement can be viewed here.

Notable excerpts read as follows:

Some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that school’s security preparedness, the failure of America’s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Source: Pixabay