Senate Impeachment Trial: Democrats Allege “Abuse of Power”


Republican senators, however, have a contrasting outlook from Nadler’s. Since the inception of impeachment proceedings, GOP lawmakers have opposed them; this opposition has only mounted with the passing of time.

Shortly after Nadler’s remarks, Sen. Lindsey Graham shared some thoughts of his own. Graham challenged the left-wing narrative that Biden doesn’t have any questionable ties to the government of Ukraine.

In Graham’s own words:

“I know a lot about the Trump family and their dealings in Russia. I don’t know anything about the Biden connection to Ukraine. So when the managers tell me this has been looked at and debunked, by who?”

Final Remarks from Nadler

Nadler concluded his commentary by asserting that Trump is a danger to the nation. By his own admission, Nadler believes the president has “made clear in word and deed” that he is “a continuing threat to our nations.”

Today’s impeachment proceedings are far from over. Both Republicans and Democrats alike remain fired up and eager to prove their cases.