Skywatchers: Images of Cosmic hourglass signal a star is born


The space telescope and camera system are maintained by an international partnership of NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency.

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According to a news release at, the protostar is not yet able to generate its energy through nuclear fusion. Although it will eventually go nuclear with hydrogen.  It remains unstable for now.

“Shocks and turbulence inhibit the formation of new stars, which would otherwise form throughout the cloud. As a result, the protostar dominates the space, taking much of the material for itself,” according to the news release.

“The region’s most prevalent features, the blue and orange clouds, outline cavities created as material shoots away from the protostar and collides with the surrounding matter. The colors themselves are due to layers of dust between Webb and the clouds. The blue areas are where the dust is thinnest. The thicker the layer of dust, the less blue light can escape, creating pockets of orange,” the article continues.