Slack Outage Causes Complications for Businesses


In today’s world, the ways in which people work are changing. The rise of remote work is the most apparent standard for growing numbers of individuals.

In 2022, many people are finding themselves working from home or from different locations around the world, rather than in office cubicles.

COVID significantly led to an uptick in remote work; however, even before the infamous virus, remote work, freelancing, the gig economy, etc., remained on the rise.

As people work remotely in different settings, they often use various apps to maintain contact, hold meetings, and otherwise remain in the loop on projects. Some commonly used work apps include Upwork, Trello, Slack, etc.

Earlier today, some issues with Slack created problems for many businesses and workers.

Reviewing the temporary Slack outage on Tuesday

During mid-Tuesday morning, Slack and several other similar apps suffered outages. It didn’t take long for reports of these outages to appear on Down Detector or for people to take to social media to note their troubles.