Supreme Court Agrees to Review Appeal Over Biden’s Student Debt Relief Plan


On Monday, December 12, 2022, the United States Supreme Court agreed to address the injunction in place against President Biden’s student debt relief program. This injunction was initiated in Texas by a federal judge, and the injunction has since been in place nationwide. President Biden and others have appealed this injunction once before, which did not lead anywhere. This will be the second attempt by the Biden administration to reinitiate the program he announced earlier this year. The relief plan, said to offer some students either ten thousand dollars of forgiveness, or even twenty thousand dollars in cases of students who received Pell Grants. This program, which was a highly controversial topic at its announcement – is still a hot topic for many politicians. At the announcement, many Americans were overjoyed with the thought of relief, some of whom took to social media to express how this relief would be life changing in the most positive way. On the other side, many believe this relief program is unfair, as it provides relief for people who went to college, and nothing for those who never attended college. Even further, some have spread the misinformation that the student debt relief program would be funded from the pockets of every day tax payers who never went to college, such as blue collar workers like farmers. This is a classic example of “Well if someone else gets something good, I must get something good too. That’s only fair, right?”