Thousands of JFK Files Declassified


The documents offer a variety of contextual details about JFK’s assassination. One memo reported on the USSR’s reaction. Moscow believed that the hit was part of an “ultraright” coup, and that they would be blamed.

JFK, J. Edgar Hoover
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

In another memo, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover lamented how Oswald’s murder by Jack Ruby would complicate the public story. “The thing I am concerned about,” Hoover wrote, “is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”

Every government authority that has examined the evidence, has concluded the Oswald killed JFK with a rifle from a perch overlooking the presidential motorcade. Nevertheless, public opinion still shows many people think he did not act alone.

Other Details

The documents shed light on other salacious details from that time period. Among them are several ideas the CIA had for assassinating Fidel Castro. These ranged from explosive sea shells (Castro enjoyed free diving), to contaminating his diving suits, to bribing Cuban officials to kill their leader.