Uber, Avride Commence New Partnership For Robot Deliveries


Tech conglomerate Uber continues to revolutionize the way people think about transportation. The company first started with rideshare before branching out into food delivery with Uber Eats, package transfers, freight services, and more.

All things considered, it’s safe to say Uber won’t be going away anytime soon. In fact, the company is becoming increasingly integrated into society.

Back in August, Uber announced its partnership with self-driving company Cruise. For years, it’s been working to get automated vehicles to riders, presenting this alternative as a safer, more effective mode of transportation.

This time, Uber’s expansion continues with Avride, a company that specializes in autonomous cars. At the heart of this new partnership is one goal: expediting food deliveries to Uber Eats customers.

It’s still in the early stages

In the weeks ahead, Austin, Texas will operate as the testing grounds for Avride robots delivering food to people who’ve ordered from Uber Eats. Before 2025 (and assuming everything goes well in Austin), Avride robots will then make their way to Jersey City and Dallas.