Warren Buffett: 4 Habits that Differentiate the Best From the Rest


Yes, you can make tens or hundreds of successful investments, but if you don’t invest in yourself, you won’t be able to develop yourself to make your investments better. In other words, investing in your well-being and knowledge is your greatest asset, says Buffett.

Buffett reads 800 pages a day, and this might be the best example of his advice.

3. Buffett on “leadership”

In 2015, Buffett sent a letter to shareholders of his company Berkshire Hathaway, and explained how he sees great leadership: “Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy.”

Buffett referenced Tom Murphy his “guru” in the letter. Murphy wasn’t only the teacher of Warren but also one of his greatest admirers, and he breaks down his best lessons on management practices below: 

  • · Make workers autonomous.
  • · Hire based on integrity
  • · Delegate your authority wisely.

4. You only have one reputation, make it great

Buffett , widely respected in the world, did not built his reputation that quickly. The money-magnet has always spoken about principles he follows in both his professional and personal life: 

  • · Be trustworthy, transparent, and fair.
  • · Make your products both high quality and high value
  • · Respect people
  • · Make your communication clear and on point.
  • · Make an impact in your community