Can Tax Reform Unify Republicans?


After repeated failures to repeal Obamacare, Congress and the Trump Administration have yet to fulfill many of their promises to conservatives and Americans.  While Democrats continue to obstruct many Trump appointees, appointees such as Gorsuch represent the bulk of the president’s tangible accomplishments.  Almost all of Trump’s policy initiatives would face a united Democratic Party capable of blocking legislation on the Senate floor.  On some issues, like infrastructure or crony capitalism, the president is opposed by his own party.  On other issues, conservative priorities such as cutting spending might face both Democratic opposition and a presidential veto.

At the same time, House Speaker Paul Ryan wishes to bring an issue which unites conservatives to the floor, tax reform.  The need for tax reform even unites Americans of all political ideologies, although conservatives and progressives part ways over whether to reduce the burden on all Americans.  Paul Ryan hopes that reducing the complexity of our tax code and lowering taxes for everyone will united Republicans.  By lowering the world’s highest corporate income tax, Paul Ryan also hopes to make America more business-friendly.

The Trump/Ryan Alliance on Tax Reform

To accomplish their shared goals and keep their promises, Speaker Ryan and President Trump have left little daylight between their positions on this issue.  Paul Ryan also won the support of other leaders of the House and Senate GOP, as well as administration officials.