Moving at the speed of change: How can you accelerate the pace of digital implementation?


Technology is coming at us fast. Are innovation and implementation in your business keeping pace?

There’s no lack of investment in technology within financial services (FS). While data analytics and mobile top the list of priorities, there’s also a growing focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA).

Out of the lab and into production

The big challenge is how to realise the return on this investment by turning all the pilots and proofs of concept that are springing up across the industry into operationally implemented and value delivering capabilities.

The roll-out of RPA is an immediate test as the technology is ready to go and early movers are already up and running. These are the businesses that are capitalising on efficiency gains and costs savings now, and putting slower moving competitors under pressure as a result. Their early lead is also helping to lay the foundations for the implementation of a next wave of intelligent automation and AI. The resulting ability to target and tailor customer solutions more precisely than ever before is going to give them a critical competitive edge.