The Federal Trade Commission is reportedly gearing up to fine the company thanks to these scandals, but encryption might serve to improve privacy with regards to the platform. This also means that those interacting between the apps will be protected. Specifically, if one were to send a message from a Facebook account to a Whatsapp account, the message would be encrypted, as well.
Reversing Course
Zuckerberg had previously emphasized that both Instagram and Whatsapp would be allowed to operate autonomously, although that has since changed. Both platforms have grown tremendously in both users and value, with Instagram boasting 1 billion monthly active users, and Whatsapp boasting 1.5 billion monthly active users. As a result, Zuckerberg has been floating the idea of integration among his employees for months now, and has finally decided to take action on the idea.
Not everyone is thrilled, however. There is documented tension between Zuckerberg and founders of both Instagram and Whatsapp. Notably, Instagram’s founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, left the company, specifically citing an increasing involvement in Instagram’s day-to-day operations as one of the reasons for their departure. There has also been extensive media coverage about the difference of opinion between Whatsapp founders and Facebook, as well. Facebook only offered the statement that there is “a lot of discussion and debate” about the issue, and that it would work to continue “figuring out all the details of how this will work.”