Hulsey radioed in 23 minutes later saying that four aircraft had joined the three aircraft he reported earlier. And the seven UFOs were flying between 5,000 and 10,000 feet above his plane.
“They just keep going in circles. I was an F-18 pilot in the Marine Corps, and I’m telling you, I’ve done many intercepts, I’ve never seen anything like this,” Hulsey is recorded saying.
According to Hansen, the UFO activity was “seen by upwards of 15 different commercial flights. And at least six pilots are willing to go on record with their names and everything, if asked to do so, by any investigative agencies.”
Later in August, Chris Van Voorhis, a 63-year-old veteran pilot observed three to five bright objects flying in a circular motion. He was flying over the Pacific when he watched, for hours, what he described as lights running on a circular “racetrack.”
Van Voorhis claimed the lights may have been in low-orbit space. But it couldn’t have been Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites since they appeared to be moving in different directions.