5 Top Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Californians


Bay Area Energy is providing young Californian’s an opportunity for self-employment and a chance to do their part for social justice. This small utility company’s mission is to break the monopoly of the big utility companies and help with the problem of youth unemployment at the same time. They’re part of a new trend towards social entrepreneurship that is growing in popularity.

Many social problems need tackling which offer opportunities for the entrepreneur to make a profit and do some good at the same time. With most recent graduates finding it difficult to land meaningful work, the opportunity for self-employment in socially conscious fields is presenting unique opportunities for these individuals. Here are 5 top fields where you can work for yourself, earn money, and tackle big social problems.

Clean Energy

Large utility companies are typically focused on increasing profits at any cost. They may use advertising campaigns to promote their green initiatives, but their actions usually tell a different story. Innovative companies like Bay Area Energy are taking advantage of deregulation in California to offer a real green alternative to the status quo.

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Bay Area Energy
Bay Area Energy makes energy suppliers more responsive to their customers, their communities and the environment. BAE provides consumer choice to PG&E consumers, allowing them to choose suppliers natural gas suppliers that support the consumer’s values. BAE believes you should support energy suppliers who are working to improve our environment, who create fair, opportunities for our young people and who provide clean energy at fair prices.