Safa, in its motion for summary judgment, asserted that Perfect Wholesale breached valid contracts reflected in the invoices, resulting in damages for the distributor. However, Perfect Wholesale fired back, challenging the very foundation of the claims.
Perfect Wholesale’s Counteroffensive
Perfect Wholesale countered Safa’s motion, disputing the legitimacy of the invoices as contracts. They argued that Safa failed to perform adequately under the purported contracts, questioning the accuracy of product orders, and challenging the pricing and delivery accuracy of the goods in question.
In a tactical move, Perfect Wholesale sought to strike an evidentiary exhibit attached by Safa to its reply, claiming the documents were withheld during discovery, lacked authentication, and should not be admitted as evidence. However, in a surprising twist, Judge Axon deemed the motion to strike as moot in her recent order.
Alabama Judge Denies Safa Goods Lawsuit : Legal Battle Unfolds
Representatives for both Safa and Perfect Wholesale were unreachable for immediate comment, adding to the air of uncertainty surrounding this legal bout.